Introduction & Best Practices

Welcome to the Guest Editor Section

I'm always looking to add more talent to the guest editor section. Comment your requests in the FB group or message me who you would like to see in the guest section.


The resources provided are for educational purposes only. They are not to be used in anyway such as prints, licensing to any third party or for profit.

A few recommendations when working your way through this section.

  • As more Guest Editors are added to the course it might be hard to know which you have watched and which are new Guest Editors. The order of Guest Editors may not stay in order of oldest(top) newest(bottom). So I recommend marking lessons you have watched as COMPLETE.
  • Make a COLLECTION inside of Lightroom which will nicely keep all your Guest Editor raw files in one place.
  • DONT remove the settings and edits off the image after following the lessons. Keep these images edited and use them as a reference or copy and paste their settings onto another image.
  • If you want to try a different edit on a Guest Editor image I recommend - right-clicking on the image down the bottom inside Lightroom then clicking CREATE VIRTUAL COPY. That way you can keep the settings from the Guest Editor on the original image.

Complete and Continue